I believe that we all are here for a reason and this reason helps us setting our goals building our desires. But at a certain stage of life, everything around us becomes blank. Where ever you go you will find darkness and not a single sight of your destination is visible neither a path to reach that destination. You feel like you wanna talk to someone but you can't. It feels like you are prisoned and this makes your life miserable. This kind of phase comes in everyone's life at least ones. This is nothing but Mr. Universe playing his games with us. He wants us to suffer like a duffer and quit and end life.
But don’t let him make you fool please don’t just remember you are not alone who is being played. And its high time now we can't let get ourselves trapped. Its time to fly its time to fulfill our desires, achieve our goals, and live life to its fullest so there won't be any regret afterward
And Mr. Universe are you listening? Its enough now do whatever you wanna do we are goanna fight till the last breath. You started the game and we will end it and win it soon.
Mr. Universe, it is our time now.